Marzi, Giacomo
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 1.685
NA - Nord America 1.377
AS - Asia 840
AF - Africa 52
OC - Oceania 28
SA - Sud America 20
Totale 4.002
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.369
IT - Italia 703
RU - Federazione Russa 555
SG - Singapore 247
CN - Cina 216
DE - Germania 148
TR - Turchia 103
GB - Regno Unito 75
KR - Corea 70
HK - Hong Kong 32
FR - Francia 30
TW - Taiwan 30
IN - India 27
NL - Olanda 27
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 25
IR - Iran 25
ET - Etiopia 23
FI - Finlandia 20
AU - Australia 18
ID - Indonesia 17
IE - Irlanda 17
GR - Grecia 15
ZA - Sudafrica 15
JP - Giappone 14
PK - Pakistan 14
SE - Svezia 14
BR - Brasile 13
ES - Italia 12
CH - Svizzera 11
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 10
VN - Vietnam 10
AT - Austria 8
MY - Malesia 7
PH - Filippine 7
AR - Argentina 6
CA - Canada 6
NO - Norvegia 6
DZ - Algeria 4
HU - Ungheria 4
SA - Arabia Saudita 4
TH - Thailandia 4
BE - Belgio 3
GE - Georgia 3
JO - Giordania 3
MA - Marocco 3
PL - Polonia 3
RS - Serbia 3
UA - Ucraina 3
DK - Danimarca 2
MX - Messico 2
OM - Oman 2
SO - Somalia 2
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 2
ZM - Zambia 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
EC - Ecuador 1
HR - Croazia 1
IL - Israele 1
KE - Kenya 1
TN - Tunisia 1
UG - Uganda 1
Totale 4.002
Città #
Boardman 311
New York 178
Singapore 156
Milan 142
Moscow 96
Istanbul 95
Shanghai 90
Rome 89
North Charleston 84
Los Angeles 78
Atlanta 64
Ogden 62
Seoul 58
Ashburn 50
Naples 33
Council Bluffs 28
Genoa 26
London 26
Florence 25
Seattle 22
Chicago 20
Addis Ababa 19
Dallas 19
Olomouc 19
Tainan City 18
Dublin 17
Livorno 17
Cedar Knolls 16
Hong Kong 16
Turin 15
Pisa 14
Helsinki 12
Tehran 12
Bari 10
Bologna 9
Munich 9
Pescara 9
Paris 8
Roseville 8
West Jordan 8
Beijing 7
Lahore 7
Shenzhen 7
Trieste 7
Avezzano 6
Brno 6
Guangzhou 6
Ho Chi Minh City 6
Johannesburg 6
La Calera 6
Melbourne 6
Miami 6
Perugia 6
Cologne 5
Delfgauw 5
Hangzhou 5
Manfredonia 5
Newcastle upon Tyne 5
Noida 5
Padova 5
Salerno 5
Santa Clara 5
Varese 5
Vienna 5
Bristol 4
Cape Town 4
Caterham 4
Cesena 4
Chennai 4
Cincinnati 4
Clifton 4
Draguignan 4
Gangnam-gu 4
Gothenburg 4
Halle 4
Kaohsiung City 4
Lavagna 4
Lucca 4
Midrand 4
Monte di Procida 4
Montepulciano 4
Motala 4
Nam-gu 4
Palermo 4
Parma 4
Reggio Emilia 4
Rio do Antonio 4
San Giuliano di Puglia 4
Seo-gu 4
Taichung 4
Tokyo 4
Trento 4
Washington 4
Wuhan 4
Xánthi 4
Acharnes 3
Afragola 3
Amman 3
Arcisate 3
Arcole 3
Totale 2.264
Nome #
Heritage e marketing esperienziale. L’impatto delle tecnologie di comunicazione sulla personalizzazione dell’esperienza del fruitore 366
Call for Papers - Transforming Business Models Across Digital Platforms: Exploring the Role of Artificial Intelligence 221
Unveiling the Innovation Opportunities Deriving from the Application of Artificial Intelligence to Platform Thinking 94
Young consumer intention to use mobile ethical applications in consumption choices: an extension of the UTAUT2 model 83
When innovation becomes strenuous/Quando l'innovazione diventa "faticosa" 82
K-Alpha Calculator–Krippendorff's Alpha Calculator: A user-friendly tool for computing Krippendorff's Alpha inter-rater reliability coefficient 69
Journal of Intellectual Capital: a review of emerging themes and future trends 67
Navigating the Cybersecurity Landscape: Enduring Lessons and Open Challenges in Business Management 60
Beyond Pathologies in New Product Development 58
Il disegno di una ricerca netnografica per comprendere l’esperienza turistica heritage 57
Open Innovation in the Food Industry: What we know, What we don’t know, What we need to know 55
K-Alpha Calculator —Krippendorff's Alpha Calculator - Accepted Version 31/12/2023 v1.0 55
3D printing in luxury mass customization: insights from Arezzo district companies 54
40 years of excellence: An overview of Technovation and a roadmap for future research 53
Expatriates managers’ cultural intelligence as promoter of knowledge transfer in multinational companies 53
Agile beyond software-In search of flexibility in a wide range of innovation projects and industries 52
Agile and Stage-Gate: how they relate to innovation performance 50
B2B digital platform adoption by SMEs and large firms: Pathways and pitfalls 48
Tomorrow is already here: Exploring how corporate foresight can contribute to ambidexterity 46
Cybersecurity Technology: An Analysis of the Topic from 2011 to 2021 45
On NPD processes-projects fit. Design principles and framework for building a decision-making tool through sensemaking 45
Knowledge Management in the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Mapping the Literature and Scoping Future Avenues 45
Call for Papers - Cognitive Biases and Heuristics in the New Product Development Process: a Call for More Empirical Evidence 45
Feature fatigue, l’insidia nella progettazione di un nuovo prodotto 44
Disentangling the Digital Strategy Landscape: An Integrative Literature Review on Digital Business Models 44
Managing Generational Tensions Toward Digital Transformation: A Microfoundational Perspective 42
Multi-sided Platforms Adoption in Manufacturing Companies Supply Process: a Configurational Approach 42
Ethical app adoption among Gen Y and Z: extending the UTAUT2 model with green values, religiosity, and ethical-minded consumer behaviors 41
Agile Beyond Software for Innovation 41
Agile Approaches in NPD Teams: Exploring Team Learning from Project Failures and Successes 41
Gli effetti della Stampa 3D sulla competitività aziendale. Il caso delle imprese orafe del distretto di Arezzo 39
CLC Estimator Source Code - Accepted Version 01-03-2023 v1.2 39
Philosophy Theory Into Entrepreneurial Education Practice: A Holistic Model 38
The Human Side of Open Innovation Adoption in SMEs: a configurational approach 38
The Role of Digital Alignment and Strategic Flexibility in Shaping Business Model Efficiency 38
Reframing Agile Organization. Do Big Data Analytics Capabilities Matter? 38
CLC Estimator: a tool for latent construct estimation via congeneric approaches in survey research 37
Achieving strategic flexibility in the era of big data: The importance of knowledge management and ambidexterity 37
Guidelines for Bibliometric‐Systematic Literature Reviews: 10 steps to combine analysis, synthesis and theory development 36
Is transparency the new green? How business model transparency influences digital service adoption 36
Agile, Stage-Gate and their combination: Exploring how they relate to performance in software development 36
A philosophical approach to entrepreneurship education: A model based on Kantian and Aristotelian thought 35
A decade of the International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business: a bibliometric analysis 35
Quando tanto diventa troppo. L'eccesso di feature nello sviluppo di nuovi prodotti 35
Beyond Customer Needs Software Development: an Empirical Investigation of Its Forms and Individual-Level Causes 35
Women in Engineering as a Research Topic: Past, Present, and Future 34
The role of absorptive capacity and big data analytics in strategic purchasing and supply chain management decisions 34
Manufacturing and the Internet 34
Additive Manufacturing in SMEs: Empirical Evidences from Italy 34
Artificial intelligence, big data, strategic flexibility, agility, and organizational resilience: A conceptual framework based on existing literature 34
Gli effetti della Stampa 3D sulla competitività aziendale. Il caso delle imprese orafe del distretto di Arezzo 33
Product and process innovation in manufacturing firms: a 30-year bibliometric analysis 33
Exploring the pathways of learning from project failure and success in new product development teams 32
Comprendere gli elementi intangibili dell’esperienza turistica heritage: una ricerca netnografica / Understanding the intangible elements of the tourist heritage: a netnographic search 32
Learn to survive crises: The role of firm resilience, innovation capabilities and environmental dynamism 32
Additive Manufacturing in SMEs: A Viable Path to Growth and Competitiveness? 32
Do or do not. Cognitive configurations affecting Open Innovation adoption in SMEs 31
Exploring the Multifaceted Challenges of Women in Engineering: A Comprehensive Literature Review 31
The Transition from Technological to Social Innovation: The Case of Biomedical 3D Printing 31
CLC Estimator Sample Dataset 31
Digital alignment and strategic flexibility in shaping business model efficiency: Evidence from SMEs in the manufacturing industry 31
Guest Editorial: Open Innovation in the food industry: what we know, what we don’t know, what we need to know 30
An Ambidextrous Approach to Practice-Based Innovation for Social Product Development: Lessons from A Dutch Company 30
Exploring the impact of big data analytics capabilities on business model innovation: The mediating role of entrepreneurial orientation 30
Is entrepreneurship a key factor in the development of European countries? A proposal for an innovation readiness environment (IRE) index 29
How to match technological and social innovation: insights from the biomedical 3D printing industry 29
Unraveling the Factors Influencing Team Learning in New Product Development: Lessons from Failure and Success 29
Non-financial reporting research and practice: Lessons from the last decade 29
Enhancing Business Model Efficiency through Digital Alignment and Strategic flexibility: Evidence from Italy 29
Smart working: le opportunità offerte dalla gamification 29
The Internet of Things in manufacturing innovation processes: Development and application of a conceptual framework 28
Knowledge Management and Leadership: a bibliometric analysis and systematic literature review 28
New Product Development during the Last Ten Years: The Ongoing Debate and Future Avenues 27
Ambidextrous organization and agility in big data era: The role of business process management systems 27
Ten years of conflict management research 2007-2017: An update on themes, concepts and relationships 27
A Three Decade Mixed-Method Bibliometric Investigation of the IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 27
The Human Side of Open Innovation Adoption in SMEs: A Configurational Approach 27
Entrepreneurial Cognition: The State Of The Art Using a Bibliometric Approach 26
Cultivating Connections Beyond the Borders: A Cultural and Historical Exploration of Osmiza/Osmica 26
Ambidextrous Organizations in the Big Data Era. The Role of Information Systems 26
Entrepreneurial cognition and socially situated approach: a systematic and bibliometric analysis 26
L'impatto delle tecnologie digitali sulla personalizzazione dell'esperienza del cliente visitatore: il caso Mnemosyne 26
The Role of AI in Fostering Sustainable Product Innovation: Exploring the Role of NPD Team Dynamics 26
Beyond Pathologies in New Product Development 25
The complexity of decision-making processes and IoT adoption in accommodation SMEs 25
Uncertainty-driven Innovation: Managing the New Product Development Processes in an Unpredictable Environment 25
Management lessons from Italy: a bibliometric analysis of top Italian based scholars and studies published from 1985 to 2015 25
The effects of a gamified human resource management system on job satisfaction and engagement 25
New product co-creation through practice-based innovation: a case study 25
Responsible Entrepreneurship Education: Emerging Research and Opportunities 25
A mixed methods bibliometric investigation of the world review of entrepreneurship, management and sustainable development: from qualitative to quantitative data 24
Understanding the role of heritage tourist experience: A netnographic research in Italy 24
How to organize for Open Innovation from the ground up: a micro-foundations approach in a food service firm 23
The role of geographical distance on the relationship between cultural intelligence and knowledge transfer 23
Open Innovation in a Non-Technology Intensive Industry: A Case Study 22
Optimising business models through digital alignment and strategic flexibility: Evidence from the manufacturing industry 22
Guest Editorial: Agile beyond software - In search of flexibility in a wide range of innovation projects and industries 22
On the nature, origins and outcomes of Over Featuring in the new product development process 22
Big data and dynamic capabilities: a bibliometric analysis and systematic literature review 22
Developing software beyond customer needs and plans: an exploratory study of its forms and individual-level drivers 21
Totale 4.180
Categoria #
all - tutte 29.243
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 29.243

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2022/2023825 0 0 0 0 256 93 33 34 115 53 113 128
2023/20241.937 142 61 131 69 141 61 299 78 215 299 165 276
2024/20251.655 138 220 241 634 158 264 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 4.417