2.1 Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio)
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 22.328
EU - Europa 16.908
AS - Asia 11.167
SA - Sud America 619
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 169
AF - Africa 120
OC - Oceania 63
Totale 51.374
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 21.870
CN - Cina 6.065
IT - Italia 5.370
RU - Federazione Russa 3.311
SE - Svezia 2.357
SG - Singapore 1.645
UA - Ucraina 1.619
TR - Turchia 1.382
GB - Regno Unito 1.067
DE - Germania 906
VN - Vietnam 833
BR - Brasile 574
BG - Bulgaria 506
KR - Corea 455
CA - Canada 430
FR - Francia 398
IN - India 301
NL - Olanda 265
AT - Austria 226
EU - Europa 167
FI - Finlandia 162
BE - Belgio 137
IL - Israele 123
HK - Hong Kong 100
IE - Irlanda 96
ES - Italia 92
KE - Kenya 77
CH - Svizzera 73
AU - Australia 52
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 47
MY - Malesia 41
PH - Filippine 41
PT - Portogallo 34
GR - Grecia 31
LT - Lituania 31
IR - Iran 29
JP - Giappone 29
PK - Pakistan 29
PL - Polonia 28
HU - Ungheria 27
DK - Danimarca 25
RO - Romania 20
MX - Messico 14
SI - Slovenia 13
HR - Croazia 12
RS - Serbia 12
AR - Argentina 11
CO - Colombia 11
EG - Egitto 11
JO - Giordania 11
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 11
ID - Indonesia 10
LK - Sri Lanka 9
LU - Lussemburgo 9
TH - Thailandia 9
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 8
CL - Cile 8
ET - Etiopia 8
NO - Norvegia 7
AZ - Azerbaigian 6
BO - Bolivia 6
BY - Bielorussia 6
MA - Marocco 6
NG - Nigeria 6
KH - Cambogia 5
KZ - Kazakistan 5
LV - Lettonia 5
UZ - Uzbekistan 5
VA - Santa Sede (Città del Vaticano) 5
CY - Cipro 4
PA - Panama 4
PE - Perù 4
AL - Albania 3
BD - Bangladesh 3
CU - Cuba 3
DZ - Algeria 3
EC - Ecuador 3
GE - Georgia 3
MD - Moldavia 3
QA - Qatar 3
ZA - Sudafrica 3
AM - Armenia 2
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 2
EE - Estonia 2
IQ - Iraq 2
JM - Giamaica 2
LB - Libano 2
LY - Libia 2
NP - Nepal 2
TN - Tunisia 2
TW - Taiwan 2
UY - Uruguay 2
A1 - Anonimo 1
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AN - Antille olandesi 1
AX - Isole di terra 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
IS - Islanda 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
Totale 51.369
Città #
Beijing 4.818
Jacksonville 3.869
Chandler 3.390
Boardman 1.856
San Mateo 1.745
Singapore 1.039
Rome 827
Dong Ket 813
Lawrence 736
New York 732
Milan 690
Wilmington 680
Kocaeli 677
Moscow 668
Istanbul 653
Shanghai 602
Princeton 550
Sofia 504
São Paulo 486
Ashburn 472
Ogden 452
Seoul 445
Los Angeles 439
Ann Arbor 410
Andover 400
Ottawa 338
Woodbridge 318
London 245
Vienna 198
Chicago 160
Council Bluffs 156
Amsterdam 154
Helsinki 147
Florence 127
Seattle 126
Dallas 110
Pisa 101
Brussels 98
Atlanta 90
Redwood City 89
Houston 82
Guangzhou 80
Nairobi 77
Dublin 72
Genoa 67
Palermo 67
North Charleston 65
Cambridge 64
Turin 63
Hefei 59
Munich 59
Nanjing 58
Dearborn 56
Fairfield 56
Padova 56
Kunming 51
Bologna 50
Hong Kong 50
Redmond 47
Paris 43
Livorno 42
Naples 41
Portland 38
Santa Clara 36
Hanover 35
Philadelphia 34
Avezzano 33
Lucca 31
Toronto 31
Strasbourg 29
Verona 29
Zhengzhou 29
Catania 28
West Jordan 28
Nanchang 27
Hangzhou 26
Brno 25
Serra 25
Shenzhen 25
Pozzo 24
Scuola 23
Torino 23
Budapest 22
Salerno 22
Clifton 21
Kent 21
Lisbon 21
Viareggio 21
Las Vegas 20
Latina 20
Bari 19
Cedar Knolls 19
Zurich 19
Albignasego 18
Bangalore 18
Berlin 18
Frankfurt am Main 18
Athens 17
Jinan 17
Rende 16
Totale 32.641
Nome #
Relationships between personality and interactions in facebook 340
Dallo spazio alla parola. Ripensare la Cappella Palatina, rileggere Filagato da Cerami 297
"L'ambiente come sociale alla Biennale di Venezia 1976": note da un libro mai realizzato 288
Water-in-food, Conflicts and Refugee Movements: A Comprehensive Analysis. 266
Polyelectrolyte coupling to charged lipid monolayers and to cationic liposomes 253
The process of choice in games 246
Testing our predictions 235
Brain morphometry: Schizophrenia 230
Esperienze atipiche nel corso dello sviluppo 215
Optimal trade-off between sample size and precision of supervision for the fixed effects panel data model 213
Il fregio della mnesterofonia a Trysa 208
La pittura greca di IV secolo a.C. tra contesti e ricezioni. Riflessioni e prospettive 194
Il comportamento strategico e i suoi limiti 193
A Complete Set of Axioms for a Theory of Communicating Sequential Processes 191
Does “Network Closure” Beef up Import Premium? 190
Computational methods for contact problems with roughness 188
Il ruolo dell'esperienza sensoriale nelle rappresentazioni semantiche 183
Experiencing Art in the Saepta: Greek Artworks in a Monumental Space of Ancient Rome 179
Multicenter studies of brain morphometry 178
From forced migration to mobility: Dreaming of home within ‘rooted mobilities’ 177
Between War and Peace: Thoughts on the ‘Penelope’ from Persepolis / Tra guerra e pace. Riflessioni sulla 'Penelope' di Persepoli 176
Design of Acoustic Metamaterials through Nonlinear Programming 173
From photography to printing: the chronophotography of Etienne-Jules Marey 171
Serial forger? The Pseudo-Apulian Vases in the Marchetti Collection in Padua 164
The Reception of Avicenna in Latin Medieval Culture 162
A calculus for attribute-based communication 160
Partial orderings descriptions and observations of nondeterministic concurrent processes. 160
A Detailed Analysis of the Private/Independent Theatre Scene in Istanbul 152
Net Theory and Application - Response. IFIP Congress 1986: 150
A modal logic for KLAIM 149
Reverse Inference, Abduction, and Probability in Cognitive Neuroscience 148
1954-1964: un decennio e due commissioni d’indagine per il patrimonio culturale 147
Action versus State based Logics for Transition Systems. Semantics of Systems of Concurrent Processes 146
A distributed coordination infrastructure for attribute-based interaction 146
Testing Equivalence for Processes 144
A Completeness Theorem for Nondeterministic Kleene Algebras. 144
Observational Logics and Concurrency Models 142
CCS without tau's 142
CCS is an (Augmented) Contact Free C/E System.144-165 141
A Homage to Martin Wirsing. Software, Services, and Systems 140
Gli artisti della vita meccanica. Étienne-Jules Marey, Charles Frémont e il problema dell’automatismo 140
The Repatriation of Archaeological Property and Its Dilemmas: Reflections on the Italian Case 139
Mechanical sensations. Étienne-Jules Marey, Charles Frémont and the issue of automatism 138
On the trade-off between number of examples and precision of supervision in regression 137
A hierarchical approach to data-driven LPV control design of constrained systems 137
Partial ordering derivations for CCS 136
Challenges of Temporary Organising in Cultural and Creative Industries: Theoretical Models and Practical Impacts 135
Ritratto di Socrate 134
Thermal contact conductance of rough surfaces 133
Testing Equivalences for Event Structures 132
An experimental test setup for advanced estimation and control of an airborne wind energy system 132
L’aria necessaria. Gesti di estetica femminista 132
Quale arte per il tempo di Platone? 131
Disentangling spatial and non-spatial effects in real networks 131
Model Predictive Control of Autonomous Vehicles 131
An Action Based Framework for Verifying Logical and Behavioural Properties of Concurrent Systems 128
“Mi pare d’aver difeso, nella mia persona, tutte le Sovrintendenze d’Italia”: il processo Ettore Modigliani vs Werther Sevèr 128
Firm Heterogeneity: do export destinations and import origins matter? 127
Types as Specifications of Access Policies 126
11. Le esperienze all'estero 126
Mappare Plinio: opere d’arte nella Roma di età imperiale 126
A context-oriented extension of F# 125
Game Theory 124
10. L'apprendimento delle lingue straniere 124
Linear-Time and May-Testing in a Probabilistic Reactive Setting 124
Ugo Montanari in a Nutshell 124
The Last Wunderkammer: Curiosities in Private Collections between the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries 124
Smooth Optimal Decision Strategies for Static Team Optimization Problems and their Approximations 123
4. Come si fanno le citazioni: 4.2. Le tecniche formali 122
Regularization and Suboptimal Solutions in Learning from Data 122
A Symbolic Semantics for the pi-calculus 122
Schema e valori, vita e immagini 122
RVerifying hardware components within JACK 122
Verifying Properties of Systems Relying on Attribute-Based Communication. 122
Network-Aware Evaluation Environment for Reputation Systems Authors 122
A formal approach to the engineering of domain-specific distributed systems 121
Negative Home Equity and Job Mobility 121
A Theory of May Testing for Asynchronous Languages 120
Embodied Bounded Rationality 120
Uniform Labeled Transition Systems for Nondeterministic, Probabilistic and Stochastic Processes 119
The Meaning of Adaptation: Mastering the Unforeseen? 119
La cattedrale di San Martino tra Otto e Novecento. Campagne fotografiche e fotografia a Lucca 118
Fully Abstract Models for Nondeterministic Regular Expressions 118
A Community of Translators: The Latin Medieval Versions of Avicenna’s Book of the Cure 118
DReAM: Dynamic Reconfigurable Architecture Modeling 118
Il falso nelle collezioni archeologiche: dall’autenticazione alla promozione della legalità, 117
Replicating Data for Better Performances in X10 116
Dynamic SLAs for Clouds 115
Georg Simmel 115
Binary and Multi-Class Parkinsonian Disorders Classification using Support Vector Machines 115
Asynchronous Observations of Processes 115
Revisiting Trace and Testing Equivalences for Nondeterministic and Probabilistic Processes 114
Global Value Networks 114
Le catene globali del valore dei gruppi multinazionali in Italia 114
Basic Observables for Probabilistic May Testing 113
Towards Automated Analysis of Joint Music Performance in the Orchestra 113
“Un non rigido concetto di tempo nella storia”: Ernst Bloch e la riflessione sulla nozione di molteplicità 113
Reading Aristotle with Avicenna: On the Reception of the Philosophia Prima in the Summa Halensis, in The Summa Halensis: Sources and Context, ed. L. Schumacher, De Gruyter, Berlin 2020, pp. 135-154 113
Social epistemology, debate dynamics, and truth approximation 112
Dall'intuizione alla figura. Il "discorso sul metodo" bergsoniano. 111
Totale 14.924

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20208.352 0 0 0 0 0 482 742 526 4.503 309 1.390 400
2020/20218.233 666 104 619 190 180 568 612 99 1.045 1.764 540 1.846
2021/20225.685 1.201 110 229 108 621 199 1.191 807 173 141 727 178
2022/20239.494 1.534 441 238 1.224 793 1.193 132 630 1.461 476 1.236 136
2023/20248.069 534 400 617 265 593 299 1.112 315 698 1.395 586 1.255
2024/20259.050 853 1.180 1.403 3.424 895 1.295 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 52.863